

We welcome feedback, both positive and negative, as well as suggestions for changes and improvements on the appearance and functionality already implemented in the beta version. All functionality available in the current service at libris.kb.se has not yet been implemented but will be added gradually as development progresses. Some reflections are already answered on Questions and answers about Libris search beta (in Swedish).

Through this survey, you can also inform us of any errors you encounter in the functions. Please note that there may be inaccuracies and incompleteness in the content because the beta version contains test data that is not complete.

Feedback is submitted anonymously, and there will be no individual feedback on the comments.

If you wish to attach an image or file for clarification, please email Libris customer service with "Feedback on Libris beta" in the subject line.

Thank you for your assistance!

Which feedback do you have about the homepage (structure, content, headings, links) ?
Which feedback do you have about the search results list (design, structure, functionality, filtering, sorting, etc.)?
Which feedback do you have about the page with detailed information about objects (material, person, subject, etc.)?
Which feedback do you have about the entirety (design, structure, functionality, etc.)?
Which other feedback do you have about the beta version?